bible institute
Which program should I choose?
At Parole de Vie Quebec we offer several programs that run simultaneously. Check out the different programs we have to offer to see what program is best for you.
Click the headings on the right to discover more about Parole De Vie.
What makes Parole de Vie unique? Two words: Life Change. We’re unique in the fact that our program extends past the classroom and into real life with hands-on ministry opportunities and the option of meeting regularly with a Staff discipler to help you navigate your way through life’s tough decisions.
You’ll make friendships that will challenge you in your relationship with Christ and last long after you leave campus and get tons of practical ministry experience. Whether it’s playing on a praise team, working with kids, or sharing the gospel with strangers, we give you practical training and hands-on experience that will challenge your ministry skills and prepare you for life outside of the Word of Life campus.
We also believe that character development is extremely important. Our staff and faculty are more than teachers; they are role models and as such must display Christian character and commitment before the student. Above all we believe that doctrine is the foundation of all our endeavours.
The purpose of the French Immersion in Biblical Studies program is to provide young people who possess a basic knowledge of French an opportunity to perfect their language skills while deepening their knowledge of the Word of God and broadening their exposure to French ministry and world missions.We believe that character development is a legitimate concern of education. Our staff and faculty are more than teachers; they are role models and as such must display Christian character and commitment before the student. Above all we believe that doctrine is the foundation of all our endeavours.
The Bible Institute offers only Bible courses or courses on related subjects. These are designed to equip students with a solid grasp of the Scriptures as well as the necessary tools to study the Word for themselves.
An exemplary life
The development of an exemplary life in conjunction with the study of God’s Word is encouraged by a daily personal quiet time, a weekly chapel service, dorm devotions, Scripture memory, a Christian character program and a code of conduct designed to teach the principles of a life of separation from the world.
The capacity to influence the lives of others.
This objective is attained by several means. An evangelism course is designed to help students share the Gospel with others and practical experience is gained through a wide variety of ministry opportunities.
The purpose of the French Immersion in Biblical Studies program is to provide young people who possess a basic knowledge of French an opportunity to perfect their language skills while deepening their knowledge of the Word of God and broadening their exposure to French ministry and world missions.
Iincrease in knowledge of God.
The Bible Institute offers courses designed to enable the student to better grasp the person and the thought of God. To do this, we study how God acts and speaks through the Bible, while leaving the student with tools and guidance to facilitate the personal study of the Word.
Growing in Christ.
We wish to see the Lord occupy more and more room in the life of the student. For this reason, the Biblical Institute puts several tools at its disposal: a period of personal reflection every morning, worship each week, dorm devotions, a scripture memory program, and accountability in each of these areas to encourage them in their Christian life to pursue God rather than the principles of the world.
Develop maturity in service for God.
The program is designed to provide the student with the opportunity to gain experience in various roles of influence in the service of the Lord, whether in evangelistic contexts, churches, or camps. Well-supervised, this allows them to get to know themself better, to learn from mistakes and to consider service options that may never have been considered.




Find out what a true Bible School experience looks like with our open house invitation to participate in classes, dorm life and campus activities
The message of the Gospel is just the opposite. The Gospel invites us to become free from this need to perform in temporary things in order to discover the life that truly matters . The only life that is worth living is the life dedicated to Jesus Christ.
Here is what I would like to invite you to. Come spend a year with us at Word of Life to dive deeper into the Gospel and discover even more how to have a life that counts! Come and learn more about our great God. Come develop incredible friendships and learn to serve in contexts that go beyond the norm. Come and live! Are you ready to embark on the adventure and have A LIFE THAT COUNTS.

Enroll now for our Bible Institute Program
Fall 2022