* Individual registration only.
For group registration,
each participant must register by writing in which cabin
they want to be in (with whom)!
Unforgettable weekends that
could change your life!
Experience the life change that happens when you take what you’ve learned in classes throughout the year and begin to lead young people in a jam-packed weekend of fun activities and meaningful worship. Utilize the gifts and talents that God has created you with to point the teens that attend snow camp to Him!
indoor & outdoor activities
Whether you’re a handyman, DIY crocheter, or you enjoy the great outdoors, your talents can be used to connect to teens and provide many ministry opportunites that their youth leaders will never get to experience.
SPORTS & Games Tournaments
Calling all athletes and avid gamers! Have you ever wondered how you could use your natural capacities for the glory of God? Use your skills and knowledge of rules to provide kids with an outlet for energy while enabling a meaningful connection to teens.
conferences & worship
Whether you’re musically talented or not, you can be an example to the youth that attend snow camp by being involved in the worship and study sessions that will challenge them to think critically about what God says concerning modern issues.
“This weekend was amazing and it changed my thoughts about God and I accepted Him as my Saviour.”

A Unique Experience
These camps are organized on the campus of the school and attract hundreds of young people from all over the province and beyond. As a student you will have the unique opportunity to be in class during the week and live out what you have learned as you experience all the fun and challenges alongside these campers. These are influential relationships that extend well past the school year and impact more than just the campers.